There is a debate among LinkedIn users about how many Connections one should have.
The Less is More Argument
Networking is about building relationships. The number should be a manageable amount of people you can actively engage with and get to know on a professional level. This approach allows you to see and follow the most relevant posts. This makes sense if you are using LinkedIn to find and engage prospects or to gather information about a niche topic.
The More is More Argument
Networking is about meeting people. The number should be uncapped, because the more people you are connected with, the more topics you will see in your feed, and the easier it is to connect to and potentially meet even more people. This makes sense if you are using LinkedIn to gather names in an industry, if you are looking for a job, or if you’re looking for information on broader topics.
My Argument
It depends on how you want to use LinkedIn. I’m a More is More person because I frequently need to gather names for differnt types of lists and I enjoy diverse takes on marketing (I’m addicted to marketing webinars), as well as finding out the various goings-on in my geographic area of interest (Pittsburgh).
I follow different types of people, too. I follow recruiters in my area because I’m often asked by job-seekers and employers “if I know anyone looking.” I follow anyone that has “marketing” in their title. I follow anyone from Pittsburgh.
I accept just about any Connection request that comes my way. I’m a proud LinkedIn Open Networker (LION), which drives a lot of people crazy.
You need to figure out what Connection strategy works best for your circumstance. And that comes from deciding what you want to use LinkedIn for in the first place.
Agree or Disagree, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject.
PS: To manage your Sent invitations on LinkedIn from your home page click on My Network>Manage All>Sent. You can withdraw pending invitations from this screen.
Relationship Building
How well can you know nearly 2,000 Connections?